Conference Call for “Urban Justice and Sustainability”

When: August 22 – 25, 2007

Wednesday, Aug 22: Registration and evening plenary session
Thursday, Aug 23: Morning plenary session and afternoon sessions
Friday, Aug 24: Morning plenary session and afternoon sessions
Saturday, Aug 25: Urban tours in the morning

Where: The University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Organized by: Brian Elliott, Department of Sociology, UBC

Hosted by: The University of British Columbia and International Sociological Association Research Committee on Urban & Regional Development (ISA-RC21)

This conference focuses on two quests: one for social justice, the other for sustainability. The first encompasses a range of traditional social science issues like poverty, homelessness, segregation and discrimination, issues that have been given renewed urgency by processes of urban and regional development during the recent phase of globalization. Latterly, the search for sustainability – social and economic as well as ecological – has been given new impetus by the debate about global climate change and also the occurrence of some remarkable natural phenomena – hurricanes, massive fires, and floods, and a devastating tsunami. Both quests have radical implications: each calls into question the viability of current systems of production and consumption.

At this meeting we want to bring together sociologist, social geographers, political scientists, economists, planners, architects and others to answer questions like “How can the growing inequalities and injustices of much urban and regional development today be mitigated and reversed?” “What theories and what policies foster the promotion of social and economic justice?” “Where do we find projects, communities, regions or cities that illustrate that”. At the same time we want to consider “In what ways can sustainability best be promoted?” “Can we develop theories and practices that simultaneously build sustainability and justice at the urban, regional and global levels?”

Conference themes include followings but are not limited to them. More related themes are welcome. Please contact with Brian Elliott and Fernando Diaz Orueta.

The Aboriginal City. Native People and Urbanization in Settler Societies

Youth, Citizenship and Sustainability

Urban Redevelopment and the New Urban Clearances

Spatial/Environmental Justice

Mega Projects and Sustainability

Housing and Sustainability

Urban Sustainable Movements

Sustainability and Governance

Culture of Consumption and Sustainability

Urbanization and Sustainable Development on the Asia-Pacific Rim

Session proposals: Send your session proposal with the title and its short description (within 150 words) to

Brian Elliott ( and
Fernando Diaz Orueta ( by January 31, 2007

Please note that session organizers can’t present their papers in their own sessions.

Individual papers: All sessions will be announced on the RC21 web page in the early February. Please send the title and abstract (within 100 words) of your proposed paper to individual session organizers after that by

April 30, 2007

The program will be completed by the middle of May, 2007


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